

It sounds like you need help
Like you need a new belt.
It sounds like the weather will
Be nice tomorrow, And no rain.
It sounds like you need to get over her
Or she will rule your brain, forever.
It sounds like you need to just forget about the past
And have yourself a blast with the future.
Don’t dream of what you could have had. That
will only bring you down to the doors of Hell.
Just sit tight and don’t forget that Mike is here.
All your worries will float above the Black Sea.
And your mother, she’s on the side lines waving
and smiling. So don’t stop the funk, keep on
moving. When life gives you lemons make 
some beef stew. 


Spend some time away
Getting ready for the day
You’re born again
Spend some time alone
Understand that soon you’ll run
With better men     
Alone again

I know you are on time.

Eyes like grey marbles.
I laugh like my father.
Your lips read her lies.
And the man in the corner,
Oh he’s with me.
Did I mention I love this tea?
The song of the evening is a sax love song.
Dance in my shadow
And you’ll see the real me. 
Fingertips that read. 

when the clock ticks
my mind wanders
it goes to places 
my soul don’t even know.

Smile Happy Werido.

Honey combs, funeral homes and sunset eyes.
The ocean will swallow us whole
So promise to hold on tight.
Don’t be afraid, we’ve got each other.
Moon light dances.
Disco moms and white vans. 
Pay me 25 cents and you can come on in. 


i will forgive you when you drive me into the night
i will forget you as the stars shine to the north.
into the blue, my heart sinks and my soul sings.
time will wait for you, but i'm long gone.
sing me sad piano songs, write me 100 love letters
i will not rescue you again.
all of your love is down the drain.
with my brain and delicate heart.
chop me up in a blender.
don't waste more time.
i will surrender.

Miss you more than life today.

Sometimes I just want to scream until my lungs bleed.
Sometimes I just want to punch the next douche bag that looks at me.
Sometimes I just want to cry until my eyes turn inside out.
Sometimes I just want to fly far away so I don’t have to see you again. 
Sometimes I just want to close my eyes and pretend to die so we can talk again.





Black dogs living in my mind.
Taking up time where I can’t write
My brain doesn’t work
Thumbs are nice in the sun
Guitars make my heart beat faster
Pick me up at seven
Don’t be late
I haven’t ate
There is a full moon tonight.
It’s time for me to go
The sunlight shows me where to go
Trees point to the right
Down mountains around rivers
Sing me a song
Walking on rocks
Looking for the Queen of Dreams
Don’t be mad at me
My freedom is in my right pocket
Nothing but smoke fills the air
God isn’t evil anymore
Heaven rains on us when it pours. 
Dance while you can feel it.


purple cow
night cow
yellow cow 


beer at 3:30

i want to love you like there is no tomorrow
and i want to make you laugh so I can smile.
the world is an ugly place, that is what my
mother says. But if you just close your right
eye and look up to the sky, everything seems
ok. don't let the boy next door take your house
plants and definitely don't let him borrow your
cups. the sugar is where i left it, on the table.
please stir your coffee with vodka and that
wood spoon. when i call be sure to answer
the phone. the difference between us is the
blue sea and you wear socks. rings on all
fingers, ready for our last dance. the New York
Times tells us to stay inside.


thorns & bones. 

floating above the Earth
mid evil music fills our souls.
silver and gold
look for mountains above.
shake that bad attitude off
smile, breathe be happy.
you're alive.

rings, things, minx. 

your face came out of the darkness, 
I could finally read those red eyes.
I could finally understand why you feel the way you do,
behind us is the past.
don't stay too long as for the future wants no human.
psychedelic music takes over the EARTH.
the music will show us how to rejoice.
don't be afraid of the men in black,
they're here to help.
give the women at the door the key to your heart.
come home after a long day.
tomorrow will grin at you,
while tonight eats your brain 
this is it. 


Submarine rides.
making love to some bed time stories.
the sea surrounds us and it's beautiful.



Love is being lost at sea with no music to dance to.
Hunger is the deadbeats we sweep of the streets in the evening.
Life is that one person who will be your forever even on your sad mornings.
Who will wipe away your Monday tears and tell you it’s ok.
Love is the one who has your back when the rest of your pack left.
Hunger is the boat we are on that is sinking.
Life is like the lemon tree that grows sour and sweet.