
a tiny pocket poem.

Please send me to the river when my soul runs dry.
Carry my dead bones to the tree trunk, before November.
Cover my eyes with butterfly wings, and sing me to the end. 
Please tell the bees to pollinate my cemetery flowers every spring.


a pocket poem.

I wish you luck in the spring when the flowers rise from their winter’s grave.
I want the best for you my dear.
I wish you luck in the December when the coyote speaks to the full moon. 
I want the best for you my dear.  


day before yesterday

peppermint Christmas honey.
the love, she is right there.
our eyes meet, while the city
stands alone. she is the prettiest.
don't worry back home, nothing
matters anymore.
the tea in your cup is cold,
and the heart in your soul has mold.
ew, the mail man is blind, and your
history book is now mine.
don't mind the trumpet in the backround
he soothes the soul, from this nasty world.
always be nice to strangers.


what kind of love is it on a Sunday morning?
how does the sun seep in under the covers?
i seriously can't help falling in love with you.
every day it seems this feeling grows inside
my soul, with never ending thoughts of you& i.

weird poem.

cactus eye.
sunset gazer.
water is crystal dear.
sleep only when the moon rises.
i love you, the way you breathe
open hands hold souls. 
don't let your mind slip.
soon my love will be 
on the line, out to dry.
my heart is black,
there is no turning back.

don't disturb the bear

dancing with the wind
birds have three wings
hear the cry of that crow?
sunflower fields shine
rivers that are mine.
hazy sky, hazy mind.


violins fill the air.
dusk mixed with hot pink sky.
love is like wine.
don't be tired.
long nails, cigarettes.
celebrate life every day.
number thirty six.
rings on each of her fingers.
walk the dog after midnight.
black cherry tree.
floating above space,
just before Earth.
say an honor prayer,
throw your worries away.
the saxophone will bring
you to a happy place.
hold hands, look to the
sky, know you are fine.

the hill to my right.

while the temperature is high.
the sky is delicate tonight.

the charcoal black hill, beautiful.
sitting upon that hill was a cactus.

the blood orange sun to the far left.
the yellow clouds just before the
horizon but after the cactus.

tea boiling in the heat.
left sided mugs, and shrubs.

the earth was brown,
all around we were surrounded by love. 


I am here
 With my arms as wide as the horizon
I am strong
 With currents from the Pacific
I am here
 With the scars of old love written on my arm
I am strong
 Like the men and women who fight for us.
I am here
 Right in front of you so please don’t ignore me
I am strong 
 As the horns on the bull. 


when you are hiking and end up at a cemetery........

the words that slip off your lips, they taste like sunlight- 


Trees in the road where they aren’t supposed to be.
Skies are dark as death.
Light bulbs don’t work while the men are out.
Upside down mailboxes, dogs with no leash.
The world seems to be coming to an end.
October is a very scary month, ghosts around every corner 
And a storm that keeps trying to end the world.


journal entry~ 20 october 2017.
Guys! First off… cheers to the fucking weekend. I am so pumped for this weekend. I have so much to do. First, I’m starting a new routine that I want to continue for a while. I want to wake up early.. 5 am early get my ass in gear and go to the gym. I have a fucking pass and I pay $25  a month for it.. so I need to start using it again. And I can feel my legs getting like jello… I’m not overweight by any means… but I’m not in the shape that I want. So I hope to get to that point. For the past… hmm two years I’ve felt like I’ve been in a black hole. A black hole that never ends, it’s just sadness over sadness for no goddamn reason. I was never like this in my life ever. I was a super happy baby, I was shy when school started but once you get to know me and I felt comfy around you… I was torrye. My energy was out of this world. I remember being in 7th grade and I was so happy go lucky… older kids on my bus, cus you know middle and high school are on the same bus now… they would ask me what drugs I was on. I was never on drugs…. Haha I was just so fucking happy nothing could bring me down. I had a smile on 24/7. Even through high school… I fucking hated school and had NO friends besides a boyfriend at the time.. lasted two years… so junior and senior year I did my own thing.. alone.. but still happy. I find it so hard to make friends with humans around me ever since I was little. No one has the same taste in music or art as me. I would start going off about dave Matthews band… or how beautiful a saxophone was and people were like torr you are speaking a different language right now. So my friends were the ones I made up in my head and my mother. Legit. I finished high school and my mother and I went balls to the walls that year and the following summer.. going to dave matthews band shows. We went to Atlantic City, Govs Isand, Randalls Island, Hartford, SPAC… we went everywhere. I thought I was in heaven.. well I was in music heaven actually. We heard American Baby Intro.. I met Stanley Jordan AND CARTER BEAUFORD…. Like my life was fucking amazing!! Then it got down to “torr are you going to college yet?? What college?? What do you want to be when you grow up?” That fucking threw me right over the edge. How in the hell is a 17 year old supposed to know what she wants to be when she grows up?? Besides all the art/ music stuff I want to be when I grow up… I had no idea. (and besides my sis.. she is an evil genius and knew what she wanted to be once she left the womb) When I was like five I wanted to be a cop… now I’m like EFF THAT! NEVER! And in high school the counselors never helped you like they lie to our parents and say they do. They would only help you if you had a certain name in town or if you were going to the military. HS SUCKED! So I just worked my ass off full time, bought my own car….$12,000 later.. I still have my baby.. Rapunzel! Then I was like..I don’t want to end up at MCDonalds for the rest of my life… so I started taking night classes….and still am.. Slow and steady always wins the race torr.. I got to tell myself that otherwise I get down in the dumps thinking about all the other people my age that already finished college. Unfortunately, my mother couldn’t pay for mine so I had to save up, use as much finical aid as possible and go at night so I can afford my apartment, car, cat, life. I hate that I compare myself to these people.. in reality it’s so unrealistic because they aren’t like me. The only thing we have in common is we graduated together… they didn’t have the responsibly of buying their own car alone, getting their first apartment alone (well with my bf.. but no mommy or daddy paying for it). I was comparing myself to nonsense. I don’t know why or how I started doing this, but I do it all the time. And that can bring you down soooo far it’s impossible to get back up. I started crawling into this black hole of nothing. I didn’t think about anything, I didn’t enjoy music AT ALL, I didn’t read, I didn’t write. All I did was cry and sleep every day of my goddamn life. For no reason, I would wake up bawling my eyes out and it would continue all day. I couldn’t stop, ryan couldn’t help me, I just kept crying. I felt terrible, I thought my bf of five years was going to leave me because I wouldn’t stop crying… I physically couldn’t. I was sobbing every day for NO reason. My mother, brother, sister are all fine.. I have a place to live, I have food.. so why am I so fucking sad?? Why?? I would ask myself this every day.  Sometimes it was so bad I had to call out of work.. happened on multiple occasions. I felt like such a loser and a low life.. Like seriously torr you can’t go to work and sit at a desk for 8 hrs. you can’t hold yourself together for just work?? It was horrible. I would sit there and sob so much all day, I wasn’t hungry my stomach was in knots… there was nothing that would stop me. I ended up dropping to 109 lbs, because I had no appetite. I would end up crying myself to sleep. I’d fall asleep on the kitchen floor, the living room, in my bathroom. I didn’t even have the energy to lift my human body up to walk 4 steps into my bedroom. I would just collapse. I hated this feeling so much, you can’t describe it.. only thing I can say is evil. A black evil hole. I didn’t ever think of killing myself, or hurting myself.. all I wanted to do was run away. Run  far far away, where there was silence and nobody.. just me. Obviously through this and still now, I was going to a therapist. To try and figure out what is wrong with me. That is all I would say to ry… what is wrong with me ry why can’t I stop?? I tried a naturalist doctor.. who gave me fucking balls of salt and told me they would work. NO. I’ve tried cutting out coffee and caffeine…nope. Just made me MORE of a bitch HAHA! Went to a regular DR, all she did was jam prescription after prescription down my throat. Not even really listening to me…. Giving me depression meds. I don’t think I’m depressed, nor does Mark. I have horrible anxiety… but depression. NO WAY. Those meds freaked me the fuck out, I read all the warning label and side effects. WHAT  A NIGHTMARE. As if I wasn’t anxious enough.. this made me physically sick. I haven’t taken any of them. I’m afraid, I feel like it’s wrong diagnosis. Finally one day Mark and I are talking and he’s like torr your thoughts.. you obsess over your thoughts. Whether I’m putting the thoughts in my brain or other people are jamming horrible thoughts there. It was me. It still is me. I make myself sick, I try to become this perfect human or object that will never be me. I don’t know where all these sick ideas came from, but they are there and they are making me NUTS. This week has been great. I haven’t had a “freak out”… I haven’t cried for no reason. I’ve been cool as a cucumber and it’s nice. It’s nice to finally feel like I’m ok, like nothing’s wrong with  you torr. This is the first full week of happiness I’ve had in YEARS. I’m not just being dramatic, this is real life for me. And I know it’s real life for other humans too. We just obsess about thoughts, why can’t I look like this, what if this happens to my brother, what if the world ends. I’m hoping for more happy days and weeks to  come. I’m hoping changing my routine and taking care of torr first will help. I need to realize I’m the only one that can help myself.  I’m the only person who cares about me, my whole being. I can’t rely on my bf and my mother to give me that pat on the back, I need to do it for me. I need a happy Torr. So here is to many more years of a happy Torr! I know I’ll have bad days and I know I’ll have super good days, as long as I don’t get in the black hole again I should be ok. And here’s  to all the super sensitive, caring humans like me… you got this! Don’t let anything get in your way… don’t let yourself bring you down. You should bring yourself up… always.

xxoo torr



Autumn leaves make the old man smile
As he glances at the cracks in the sidewalk
He remembers his father and his past.
The past is scary if you think about it too long
The past brings back bad memories.
The cracks on the sidewalks don’t end.
Like the sunrise on the north bend.
Flowers continue to grow unless you stop
Feeding them. 


August 1999- not a poem, just thoughts.
Do you guys ever feel so lost? So lonely that you don’t know where to look
My life feels like im upside down every day
I just wish I had control. I wish the thoughts in my soul were true.
Sometimes the keys don’t fit every lock, but today my life has shown different.
I think about how I would act if you were still here. I wonder if I would turn out to be me if you were here. Would I like the same music? Would I drive a jeep like you? My love for animals will stay true I know that for a fact. I know you love the way I smile and the look I give to my mother.
I wonder if you would teach me how to speak a different language. I wonder if we would be best friends. Sometimes my thoughts burry me in fear of you. I have weird dreams about you. I know when you are speaking to me when you show up in my happy dreams. One time we shared dinner together.

The candle light was beautiful gold and you asked how my sister was. She is doing great, she will be a DR in 10 years if she keeps going with school. I know she will, her brain is fit for the smarts. And I just got the weird brain, she is where the love for us meets on the ocean, her smile lights up a million planets. I ask her for her advice when it comes to anything black. I wonder if you were still here, would we go hiking together? Would you paint with me, would we actually go on family vacations?  I know there would be a “derek” ...his name may be different if you were still here but I know we would have a brother because of you and my mother. Sometimes I hate that you are dead.  But because of death I’ve learned to love the cemetery….the smell, the look, the spirts I feel. I love the cemetery. If I could, I would purchase a home with a cemetery as a yard. How peaceful they can be, makes me feel so whole. My heart is at its place when I’m at the cemetery. People get creeped out, and that’s why I have no friends. But I don’t care, no one is worth my human time if they are negative. I think you taught me that, you taught me how to be happy no matter what.  We share the same smile and nose... and yes I got my chocolate eyes from you too. My life is as good as it gets, but I think if you were around it would be better. I hate that I miss you every day. One day we will meet again, in that rainbow horizon, where the sun disappears and the moon doesn’t exist. We will greet each other with a smile and a hug. I cannot wait until that day, sometimes I wish it was today. I love you more than you know dad. xxoo


for the life i never had
i can say gram is happy
her smile as beautiful
as the last apple on the tree.
she uses your words to
help me understand history.

tiny poem 4 you.

throw the covers over us.
let's pretend we are dancing with the stars
that the top of this blanket is the backside of the golden moon
let's run and hide far far away
where no humans can see us or tell us what to do.
the first time we kissed in the pouring rain
reminds me of this time we have right now, bliss.
the way your eyes meet mine, they begin to dance.
into the horizon is the place where bare souls lurk.
smooth as a button, your body rubs against mine.
the time when love existed, and we prayed together.
fill the dark air with love words, and throw up.
the darkness emerges from within, 
he will take my soul tonight. 


snake in the grass.

dreaming tree, dead roses, eyeballs.
black skies surround us as they put grandpa to rest.
rest in little pieces, the world will still spin.
decomposing our thoughts, while our bodies sleep.
numbers equal freedom, and red doors
open the future to dreamers.
period, means don't go any further.
and listen to her voice.
before you enter a history book,
know where you came from.
the handmade spoon is at my grandma's,
and the way she sees it is through her yellow eyes.

green hazel eyes.

paperclip and cat tale.
the night is young while it's gold.
we will see the faces of death, we 
will greet the unknown.
it will consist of brave humans
and cold beers.
don't think, we are humble,
the dreams inside my mind is as
whole as a melon can be.
she moves up and down the highway
with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.
dead roses surround the living room,
inside glass bottles they live.
beer that is delicious, it swims on my tongue.
yellow, purple, i read the newspaper.
ink on the fingertips, rings around their waist.
follow me through the forest, green and deep.
see only love here, the last warrior.
step upon the dead, we can hear you think.


Don’t ever tell a girl to calm down, trust.

Here we are between a bookshelf and a banana.
The world seems different from this angle.
Beads wrapped around my left wrist.
My two front teeth show when I smile.
Ruby Red Lips whisper songs of freedom.
Smoke fills the air, mean words float.
Don’t be Sour. Also remember, 
Cool as a cucumber Torr. 

pocket poem.

I am a Dreamer of the black moon
White horizons above us as our bodies float upside down
We are holding hands in outer space.
I believe in love, I believe in us.
The yellow rose symbolizes the trust I have.
All I see is blood that is smeared on the walls of
The inside left brain.
But I want to see you and the olive green eyes. 
Please leave me a message in tonight’s night sky.

Where is the soup?

The colors are changing, fading away
The sidewalk seems soft today.
The sky fills up with cotton candy paint strokes and fog.
The fields are all ready for Winter now, no more corn.
See the cows in line ready to milk.
See the crows on the branch ready to fly.
Grass seems to die off after September,
So does the happiness. 
It is almost time to hibernate. 

i know i'm a creep

Sometimes I don’t understand my own human brain.
planning out a murder, mailing the rent check 
and fake smiling at everyone.
the world is a scary place
I remember Nelson taught me how to dive.
Morning glories point west,
the moon dances with us after dusk. 

little thoughts.

My tea with honey soothes my mind.
The freckles on your chest make me excited. 
Racing down your back, I tickle you with my fingertips. 

a poem. 

The grass is greener where the cows sleep,
My mind is one on thing, and that’s you.
I love the shape of your face, your nose.
I can’t wait to have a night alone.
The walls between us need to come down
and the love needs to grow deeper.
The amount of love that is shared
is unbelievable. My mind is set on you
for a century. My heart sings  you 
to bed every night. 


The moment when I was reborn.
The light scared me as it peeked through the trees.
My eyes remain shut until you kiss me.
The riverbend is a great place to lay my head .
Some things look different, but many things remain the same.
Where you send your love and where it ends up are two different things
Birds fly above me, now I know I’m on earth.
The skin is rough, and her nails drag.
The river water quenches my thirst.
I ruffle around in the field a bit.
By the looks of it, many have been here in the past.
When you can read my lips I will let you have 
the key to my black heart. 

gonna sing a song for you.

You are wasting your time chasing the girl with long hair
Her man will take her to the river’s edge tonight and kill her.
Stop loving on things that already get enough love.
You know who you are. Love is in the air for sure.
The time has come, to meet all the lonely lovers.
You can meet the one that owns your heart but just
Closing your eyes and dreaming.
She dances in your dreams at night.
And she taught you how to write.
The women you want is waiting for you
By the back porch. Now stop it
With the girls who have lovers. They
Can love you too, but not the way
You want. There are two types of love. 
Remember that. 


I met a man named Mr. Strawhat

I met a man with a strange story
He was black and wore a straw hat.
The hat was bought from a flea market
And his right thumb was missing.
But the thoughts buried deep in his
Mind were still there.
Vivid images, stories with horrible
Endings. This man has seen the
World at it’s worse.
He saw the president get
Shot. And he witnessed a
Man killing himself.
Back then the world was a different place.
It was better for the soul to understand
The human rights. He told me about
His grandfather who came all the
Way from Europe to fight
 In the wars.  
Mr. Strawhat used to trade his
Coffee beans for goats’ milk.
The survive you think of
Only the minimal you
Don’t think of what you want.
 You get what you need.
Mr. Strawhat has now passed,
And the lavender aside his 
Grave is weeping. 


i know im a little late... but... happy belated birthday queeeenn xxoo torr


summertime seems to be disappearing in the early sunsets
winter makes me happy, i feel at home during winter.
branches will dance in the brisk wind. 
socks will need to be worn, the fuzzy ones.
wool sweaters, and hot cocoa.
i can't wait till my birthday. 


let her shine something between the lines.

somewhere between the dead roses and my broken mind, i will find time for you and i.
this world isn't what i thought it would be by now, nothing is the same anymore.
sounds that don't sound familiar, and men with pretty ladies that have long legs.
leather vests make a great outfit on christmas eve, but she wore black velvet instead.
nails that are longer than her future, and lips that would stop this world from turning.
the stranger at the door, isn't a stranger anymore.

journal entry  01/22

the lady that touches your soul is your soulmate
the one who tickles your nose after midnight.

she brings you coffee on rainy Monday mornings.
the one that holds your broken heart together.

another poem

around the dinner table is where we will sit
at my mother’s house is where we will be located.
Laughs and hugs.
smart remarks and mashed potatoes.
Thanksgiving lunch shall be dandy.


fresh air
curly hair.
sun is out to play
today is Monday
with no work.

this is what a friday afternoon @ the office looks like


fuck the doctors office, i want fireball

Some days are better than others
I have peanut butter under my fingernails
And blood in my hair.
I can tell today will become nothing but
Annoyance and anxiety. My thumb
Nails don’t match. And my socks are
On backwards. I don’t know how to
Spell any of the states correct.                                                        
And my car died. The highway
Is full of dbag drivers and
Souls of the dead haunting us
As we take exit 89.
If you shop at the truck stop
You are a fucking creep
The letters in between these
Lines say fuck off dude.
The words that roll of my mouth
Come from the idea of you.
Don’t drink all the coffee, black
Is my favorite kind.
The mailbox is overflowing with
Months worth of mail. No
I don’t check that regularly
Nor do I answer my phone.



Why are we
so in love
with the girl
who sings to the moon?
Why do we
want what
we can’t have?
Why is the one
who we love so dearly 
gone from this life?


i played with the baby goats and ate black berry ice cream this weekend.. i am alive


Between you and me

Here is a cigarette to share
And some news to hear.
The search for lost music
Is still in session.
Don’t miss out,
Bring all the folks you know,
Not the egg yolks.
Don’t forget the trumpet and
tell Danny that
His order is here.
The search for lost souls
Will start after midnight’s past.
I remember the stupidest things,
And never understand
The real news.
People talk to me but I
Hear nothing.
My soul speaks to
The ones who know
What love is.
And to the ones
Who know what death can do to you.
If you have a blue heart, 
please leave.

peach yogurt flies.

scattered in my mind
thoughts of life never come back
the scary part is, she is my mother.
and the planet isn't doing so hot.
if we want somewhere to live,
you should start recycling and
act like you give a fuck.
baby turtles are dying because
of sick humans like you.
the gum on my shoe is from
last night's concert.
my mind is blown into a
million little pieces
because you don't know
the world is ending
and I do.

let's make love on a boat to the end of the world.

let's take a boat 
all the way to the end of the world
just you and me
let's figure this sea out.
together and see what it really is
the two of us together
and the open sea. 

office daze

tuesdays are terrible
they are worse than mondays
shoes untied, no coffee,
long day.
pens with no caps
and bathrooms with no toilet paper
when will this day end?
three dollar lotto tickets,
i hope we win big.




just dreaming of you and me, and all the things we can do. dreaming of how it will be and how it should be, just me and you.

the middle of the sunflower makes me smile.

these shapes remind me of you in the sunlight
golden light seeps through, your smile lights the room.

the days when shoes weren't on and dirt under your nails
where did they go?

cows in the field, far away, they make eye contact
only when you drive away.

the house down the road is owned by farmer,
but no one knows his name.

the drops of August rain come down on me,
I can feel them on my skin.

don't forget about the backyard love we made last year,
i can still taste you on my mouth.

there were sidewalks that lasted forever,
and I vividly remember them.

Toads in the trail, and the golden behind me.
you can smell the Fall air.

I will eat dinner when I make it back home.
Forks, spoons and knives all scratch the plate.

For sale signs remind me our first house,
a glass window taller than dad.


Cause when you're done with this world,
You know the next is up to you.
And his wife told his kids he was crazy,
And his friends said he'd fail if he tried,
But with a will to work hard,
And a library card,
He took a homemade, fan-blade, one-man submarine ride.


I can’t help the way my lips reflect the way I love you
The ocean, her breeze takes me back to old days in 1999
Colors like blue and green make me happy.
My shoe laces are never tied, my heart is very tired.
Words, I catch them in my right ear, while I hear music in my left.
The room I’m in reminds me of my mema’s old house.
But I can’t see the fireworks in this back yard.
Time will come, when the little black man knocks on your door.
Don’t let any strays in, just the downstairs neighbor.
I worry about my mother, as she is alone.
But I know she has a very strong and old soul.
The light at the end of this tunnel seems dim,
But I won’t know till I’m completely in.
US History II just got cancelled, like my favorite tv show.
I can’t remember where we first met, but I can
Remember the first time we kissed.
I wish my house was built with a cemetery around it.
The dead are a nicer people than the living.


the i poem, with random punctuation. 

I wonder what I look like when I walk away
I wonder what I smell like when I breeze by you
I wonder how my nose looks from your perceptive
I wonder what my brain looks like under a microscope
I wonder what my cat thinks when I say goodbye in the morning
I wonder what my neighbors think when they hear me screaming and im the only one home
I wonder where we will be in 20 years
I wonder if ill still eat chocolate when im old
I wonder if I will enjoy the colors orange and yellow years from now
I wonder if my mother will meet my first child
I wonder if ill ever get a grip 
I wonder if anyone even reads this.


journal entry from who the hell knows when...

i wish my life could be seen in black and white 
with seaside by devendra playing on repeat as background noise
i don't want to speak 
i want to be seen by ryan and family but i wish
it was silent only with seaside playing. 

you have cute thumbs.




Make me want to love you
Make me dance on the horizon with no shoes
 Make me love life more.
Make me kiss you in the rain
Make me love you on the beach past midnight
Make me believe we are stronger together
Make me believe the world is a happy place
Make my thoughts smell like lemons
And make them be seen like stars. 
Make me want to love you forever.

 Look, here are we
On this starry night, staring into space
And I must say
I feel as small as dust lying down here
What point could there be troubling?

With an apostrophe, so the bird owns it.

What a wonderful time it can be
With my knees touching the ceiling
I can imagine what the bird’s point of view is
The world seems smaller from this corner
The earth smells like fresh cut grass and lilies.
As we run into the lavender fields I lose you
But we will meet again my butterfly friend.

A baby poem

I get myself in situations and I can’t get out.
I look to the moon and wonder.
What would my life be with you?
What if you were alive today?
I could tell you my favorite color.
We could finally play catch.
I can hear your laugh touch my soul. 
I miss you dad.

Paperclips fly in the midnight sky.

My mind explores the time between now and space
Memories of you fade
Memories of us fade
Along the way down I met an old soul
One nice enough to lend me a sweater on this chilly day
Ants crawl up my human leg 
One day the world won’t be round
i've listened to this video probably 10 times since last is so intriguing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the banjo...I wish I could play....well i can.. just need practice...and a banjo

i hope you enjoy ~~~

Your shoe is on wrong. 

The purple moon sunshine
My heart sings for all the lovers
blueberry smoke fills the sky
clouds dance along the horizon
 a babies laugh so precious
All the women form a line
Mothers with children to the night
and ladies who were alone to the left.



Singing forks and original home owners.
The look in her eyes, remind me of the good times.
Front doors made out of wood, and door knobs made of peaches.
Original home owners have the key. 
As good as dead, the basement door slams. 


Just like late night rain loving the dawn’s lips.
She speaks only in the morning hours.
We hear the loud cry for love, when her limbs are numb. 
Mountains and their rivers fall behind the midnight sky.

I see the wind blow too.

I see the dogs, they wink at the old man.
I see the men, they open the door for ladybugs.
I see the women, the look of stress sits upon her face. 
I see the little children, the look of wonder light their eyes.


Soda, big nose, I love baby toes.
The sun seems to shine only when you smile.
Ants, purple pants, stop saying you can’t.
I want to drive with you for miles.


My life disappeared in front of me like a drop of honey in our love sea.
I hear your dark voice speak to me, but my eyes can’t open.
I taste your love on my tongue, I can feel the rush.
Replacing our favorite love songs with tears, and fears of being alone. 
And when I close the front door, you aren’t home.


I have a black soul and only my brother knows,
About the dead man in the attic,
Where my mind steals my sleep and
My soul eats my memory.
Time is a place where privacy lives
Brains and eyes, they work together,
To bring me home.


fuckin' weird OH

God gave me a double uterus
He shoulda gave me a second brain
Cus my life is insane and I can’t sit still right now
Humans come and go as they please
But I just try to please all humans.
When it rains in heaven it rains love.
Sunflowers make me as happy as a newborn
And my life is crazy but that doesn’t mean
I don’t love you. Life makes me feel great,
Like a dead man at his own funeral.
Please don’t be offended when I don’t 
Speak, I just don’t know what to say.