
moths are pretty too, but not as beautiful as you.

you got me acting like a fool, with all your crazy words you say. 
my heart is playing tricks on me, i'm acting like a fool.
and you know it. you've got me in your hands, all control
don't let me slip like the last 20 years of your life,
slipping right down the drain.
don't blame me for not having love, I can't stop thinking
about your face. But there are beautiful girls in the city,
I promise you. more beautiful than me too.
i just want to get to know you better and understand your memories. 
i want to understand the way you see me and what this means to you. 
i can picture myself next to you in the park and all i can do is stare at 
you. there are no words being said, i'm just gazing into
your precious soul and we are smiling.  when will this happen?

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