
the way you love her

the way your words
roll of your
       that dance
  touches the

my human
body, she
seems to wrap 
   herself around.

finds a space...

the shape your 
eyes make when you

those teeth.

to say i'd steal
them on a rainy day
is an understatement

to say i love you
   isn't a lie
 but the truth is

you make my eyes

tears made of joy, made of melons.

you make me feel like a little kid 

the way you move my hair,
  your fingertips,


   just to outline 
my lips

   watching as my heart

 .... like honey


look at the way
this girl dances
her life away

with love by
her side

afraid of nothing
rain comes down

and she just stands
lets it soak in

nothing  but love
she touches
you like no

my love belongs to no one
 because it belongs to
       with the light from 
the moon to lead the 

   higher than the stars
can reach 
       just to give my love 

Storing feelings
In jars
In candles
In the clouds
When it doesn’t rain
Warm skin
Warm light
Can’t take the dark
There seems to be a
Tunnel where the world
Will begin
Where love can grow
Finding love is horrible
Don’t look
Can’t search for something
That should just be


Just want to eat the summers with you
   Love dripping from our chests, nothing else

But everything is a beautiful mess

Orange painted kind of blues with hot pink clouds
     Spread across our afternoon sky

march 23, 2020

singing to soothe 
     the thorns that
soon begin to 
    stick to my sins

i can lick this knife 
all i want-
    but do i 
really care?

bleed the blood-
cry my tears-
you taught me 
to have no fears.
you have my soul
my soul has become weak
shaking in the summer's sun-
i ask of you nothing but this one...

love this soul, pure.
as for she has seen 
   more than you know
take for granted 
    not even the air 
we share 
  she can stop 
& she will kill you.

his eyes speak to me
a language of the unknown
Drawn in
Like a bug to the
I'm in love with
The unknown

by allowing the tides
   of time to 
     wash up
old memories
         of mine
The shore – scattered
With pieces 
of me and
      pieces of you

Old spoons - 
       old versions of you
for the days turn to dust when
   we go our own ways
I must read the truth to the
      water ….
I stand up and I scream

“because of you,
      i am finally in love
with me”

  as you hold me
and shower me in gold

only home when you are near.

With you by my side
  My eyes hold yours
As our bodies race
   To the shore
Holding your hand-
Toes in the sand
We look up.
Painting blues in my mind
   You brought the sun-
Soaking up the sea salt
our hair-
   laying down next
To me-
Hold our fingers to the sky
     You gently pick stars for me &
I place them in my pocket
I ask,
       “how do we get up there?
Because that’s where I want to be
With you”

but did you really die?

showed up at your funeral
hoping to love you one last

while the skeletons begin
the service, the Sun comes
out to drain the Crow’s

Only for the sky to
Turn a grey kind of black
            ..nothing reminds me of love
Like the eyes sinking into your face...

BLACK but not cold.
 Worrying about something 
we can’t change seems
     like such a shame, such a waste.
Time can’t be bought
   Nor given  
everybody dies.


Bring me back
To the fire
(bring me home)

Bring me back 
To the woods
(bring me home)

Bring me back
To the ocean
(bring me home)

When your brother 
tries to save your soul
He brings hundred 
dollar bills, to wrap 
your heart whole

The stream is a nice place
To place my thoughts
For the day has just begun

When there is no noise
When the birds don’t sing
Who will find the end?

How can we determine love
If there is none in this room?
Don’t get me wrong,

I am no magician, but the
Light that fills my
Soul, when your

Eyes make my heart melt

   Into a galaxy of the UNKNOWN.

FULL to the top, touch the trees
And their leaves

Take time to breathe, for
Nothing is bad

Touch my brain
With a hot
Take the wisdom
Out of these
You don’t
Belong here
When you
Transform, you
Shed your skin.
Let go of the old
Let in the older.

When the world
Becomes what you
Want it, what you

Change is beautiful
For the wait
Doesn’t count,
For what’s to come
Is precious and
More pure than
The sun dancing
On the river
Going downstream


i miss the way your teeth

i miss the way your smile
would just melt my
body away

i miss the way your
dreams felt, when i held them

when you were crying
in the middle of july
i had to keep you alive

when we would
dance in the rain like
no one could care

i miss the way you made
me feel before the
ocean swallowed this


can't stand the man
i let into
my room

he wears his shoes,
he brings in the

leaving no room
for me

leaving no room

i can't stand the man
i let into my room

he steals my dreams
 he robs my thoughts

making me run
from the love

when i know love
is the only thing

to get me through

read me books to sleep
watch my soul
rest, while the harp
plays, while memories
record, while memories

take the sunshine
take the sunshine

rewind, into a time
where we existed
where we used to love

now that the
funeral is over and
everyone went home

you have nothing to

instead of worrying about

others....worry about

want to be happy

stay sweet
like the nights
that hide in between

in between the
dust, where we
used to make love

take the nectar
from my mouth
take the nectar

sweeter than the juice
that drips from

your chin, where you keep your sins

before dinner and after

the napkins fold,

we can make love again

but let the crumbs hold


can't take the 
in between
and JULY

like ears melting
like sunsets 
    driving into 

when the rain 
can't touch our skin
because the months
let the BUGS in 

and now 
we can't fly

wings that stick together
like the morning dew

right before the birds wake 

when the world ends

the sky will fall and we
can finally hold the 


small forks (only)

with shadows from our past
   holding on to pictures that won't last

taking the time to realize
the sun can't shine
if the lemonade isn't made
with limes

when the night rises
when the wolves come
out to play,

                  nothing in the way


Seems that I have been held, in some dreaming state
A tourist in the waking world, never quite awake
No kiss, no gentle word could wake me from this slumber
Until I realize that it was you who held me under
Felt it in my fist, in my feet, in the hollows of my eyelids
Shaking through my skull, through my spine and down through my ribs
No more dreaming of the dead as if death itself was undone
No more calling like a crow for a boy, for a body in the garden

florence is fckn god

I just want to gaze into your soul
   Until my body floats
Until the sea takes me
  To tomorrow
Only to glance over
      The horizon
           And see you

Can’t help the
Way the waves
When my soul
Is sour

Can’t help the
Months that
Turn into
And fly away

Can’t help the
Words that my
    Soul says
       When love
 Isn’t   present

I can’t seem to find my smile
Lost between years
Of silence
  Between the harps that play
With the butterfly wings

I can’t seem to find my mind
With the weather
like the waves
              Of the ocean

I can’t seem to find
East from North and
South from West

I know the heart inside
Is warm

But I need a fire
For my soul

Has been frozen

For centuries

Like flowers that can’t grow

tell me the time 

A bookcase full of books
Full of notebooks
Filled with lies and scribbles
Nights of drinking and drowning
When the light won’t turn on
I can’t seem to find sense
Make a definition of
  Something of this

With the lemons
Only tea can
Taste sweeter
But if the rain
Can’t stop
And the


Moon can’t shine
Who will be there to  hold my

Something so dark
Living inside
   all my might
When nothing
Is weaker
Than a river
In  winter
I can’t tell
Which way
Is back home
When the
Whisper of the
Wind sings me
To sleep
Let only the
Dreams in
For nightmares
Have been
The only thing
I can dream of

Take a turn for
  The dead roses
That lay in my palm
Catch flame
from the fire
black  soul
a crow,
  i trust, to hold
my secrets.


Love me through
The times I can’t feel the light
Where my body wears heavier
Than a crow’s heart

into time
    senseless time
no noise
   no mind
just ocean waves 
us back and forth                                               
     in and out
taking the sickness
with a sip of the moon
light only illuminates
            when you the
sea dances with the
 morning breeze


i am tim
i am vusi
i am dave
i am love here


let's love like the stars
didn't come home
let's kiss like the last 
drop of rain 
just fell 


i will love you through eternity, 
as for my heart
Is anew. I will take my hands
And lift  the truth for the men to see
For rivers have met and so have we
I want to touch your thoughts
I want to be in your memory
You and I, you and me
As one, 

If the flowers on heaven 
can grow at night
With no sunlight
          Then our love should 
have no problem seeking 
peace in the
Dead of Winter

According to the fear
You are always near
Years in between
Something strange
I can feel it in the rain
The way your mouth
Moves when the words
You speak come out
I just want to love
You so I can breathe

I can taste it
   a  fire
Sits on the top
Of this tongue
I can feel it
    The love you let
in and give
I can see the world
Though your eyes
And I know
It’s mine

Twist the candles
In sight
The might that 
sits inside these lungs
Take the trees and
Squeeze them young
Twisted and knotted
Together but apart
Dark and light
The enemy lies
Within the thoughts
  Your brain provides
Construction in
The weak minded
Only for my spirit
To know nothing

It’s hard to swallow the 

When you can’t 
Even bear the breeze 

Life seems beautiful
But a mess

     Intriguing & stressed

I love you 
More than the 
Night sky loves 
The stars

…yet you aren’t mine


If I could
I would chop your
Head off too....
And maybe your dick
To breathe the same
Air as me
Is a treat
Compared To your peasant lifestyle....

If I could
I would  chop your head off too

Thanks for showing me how you 
really feel 

remember when you used to call me toria 


How is it possible
How can this be

  My dreams seem so real
But when I sleep
Only nightmares begin

Wrapping my brain around
The ocean’s waves

I can’t keep up
With the nonsense brought

To keep sinking or to let go


To me,
     perfection is the
Light in your eyes

The light from your soul
That makes my body whole
When we are in the room

Perfection is your smile
And the way it holds your
Teeth in place: perfectly

I can’t help but dream of
Your eyes,

A place I find myself
Swimming in

A place I find myself
Living in

Perfection is the love
You give me
No matter what

Will you just hold me
In the dead of
While midnight
Shine into
Our room

Hold me tight
So my nightmares
Can’t come in

Hold me tight
While I fall asleep
In your arms

Please just hold me

(never forget) 7.

Watching the ocean set in your eyes
                                My heart
Melting into oblivion (smell of salt in the air)
     Shells hold us while we fall asleep
Into the afternoon sky-
I can’t help but find your hand
      as my body begins to fall
with the wind...

Below the ocean floor-
                                With you the smell
Of the sea
   Takes me to
  a place i can call home.
   A place we will share for eternity-

  While my life evaporates in front
Of me-   time offers a different
Version of me: the old me

   Opportunities set me
F R E E, even when the timing 
seems silly-

             The moon is telling me,

     “go with what happens as you are
  Present in the moment”

The afternoon rushes in, 

S l o w l y.


You might as well
Bite the scabs
Off these elbows
You can sink
Your teeth
For the pain
Doesn’t exist
Longer than
Taller than trees
Take the time to
Really understand
The man before
You give him your

I am a terrible person I have sinned
I took the deer from the woods and I
Hide them

                        In months we
Call summer, when the moon never

I am a terrible person, I have sinned
I stole love from the man who writes
The daily newspaper.
                                          I let him in

I drank from the fountain of life
Even when my mom cried me

Can’t eat what you don’t
Have until your
Feet break or your
Teeth itch

Give me a week